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Happy bowels like to keep things moving. Featuring cascara sagrada and a blend of 15 pure, time-honored herbs, this is one combination you’re going to FEEL working!


  • Promotes proper bowel function and the elimination of toxins
  • Supports healthy digestive and intestinal function




The digestive system is responsible for feeding the entire body, and it, along with the intestinal system, must operate freely to ensure the efficient elimination of toxins from the body. The colon, in particular, must function properly to promote the elimination of waste materials from the body.




Quality ingredients make a quality product. Take for instance our Kosher- and Halal-certified cascara sagrada bark. It grows in temperate rainforest areas in the US where no pesticides are used. The wild-crafted bark is never harvested until the tree is at least 10 years old, and then it is aged for at least one year to ensure potency. Our 40+ year partnership with our cascara supplier includes personal visits to the sourcing site by Nature’s Sunshine quality specialists. Last of all, this blend features ethically sourced, non-GMO botanicals, because that’s what works best for you…and for us.




Gentian root was part of both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. And Europeans knew its benefits as a digestive aid. During the Middle Ages, gentian was used to promote appetite and offset indigestion.

Ever since Native American tribes introduced cascara sagrada to Spanish settlers in the 1600s, this bark has been used as a natural laxative throughout the world. The explosion of its use led to overharvesting, but this resilient species of the buckthorn family has made a healthy resurgence. 

When mixed with water, the soft, inner bark of the elm tree becomes gel-like and soothing. In the 1800s, Native Americans used elm for a variety of benefits, including support for gastro-intestinaI tract health. They also applied it topically.

Native Americans used many parts of the black walnut tree. They found them effective for skin support, nervous system health and for providing intestinal system support. Black walnut has been used by herbalists for targeted detoxification for hundreds of years.



Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily. NOTE: This product contains cascara sagrada. See your health care provider prior to use if:pregnant or nursing, any medical condition exists, or when taking any medication. Read and follow recommendation carefully. Do not use if diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain are present or develop. 

Cellular Detox (Formerly All Cell Detox) (100 caps)

SKU: 1072


    231-B Branchview Dr. N.E. 

    Concord, NC 28025

    Employees of The Genesis Herb Garden are not medical doctors. Information on this website is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions or diseases, and should not be considered substitution for consultation with your physician or licensed medical professional. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

    © Genesis Herb Garden 2024

    Monday - Friday           10am - 6pm

    Saturday                       10am - 4pm

    Sunday                              Closed

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