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From the rainforests of Brazil comes pau d’arco, featuring the lapachol chemical traditionally used to combat harmful organisms.


  • Supports the immune system
  • Supports the body’s antioxidant functions




The pau d’arco tree grows in the rain forests of Brazil. Unlike other trees in its midst, pau d’arco does not develop fungus growth, even though it grows in the most lush tropical rainforests in the world. Pau d’arco contains a chemical called lapachol, which may account for the herb’s traditional use in supporting the immune system.




This botanical has been used by many cultures to support the immune system in specific and valuable ways. Its active components, including lapachol, may provide important properties that benefit immune health. Research indicates that pau d’arco extract seems to smother microbes, not allowing them to get the oxygen and energy they need to thrive. Harvesting pau d’arco is no easy task, but it’s worth the trouble. Pau d’arco wood is extremely popular as a building material, and because of this, the trees have been overharvested. They are an endangered and protected species in Brazil. So their government closely regulates the harvest and requires a permit for anyone to transport, trade or export any part of the tree. Nature’s Sunshine works with experienced Brazilian partners with whom we have done business for more than two decades. They ensure that the inner bark material—a by-product from a legal wood harvest—is carefully and legally acquired and shipped.




Several communities prized this botanical nutrient for its benefits. According to records, it was used by the Incas, the Kallawayas, and other native South American groups for its many healing properties. Pau d’arco is Portuguese for “bow tree.” That makes sense when you realize that its dense, rot-resistant wood makes excellent hunting bows, and the natives harvested it for just that. Its Latin name Tabebuia heptaphylla also led to the nickname taheebo. And many people from the region are familiar with taheebo tea. It’s also called lapacho, no doubt a reference to lapachol. For immune support that’s right on target, choose Pau D’Arco.




Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily




Pau d’arco inner bark. Liquid herb contains extract of inner bark

Pau D'Arco (100 caps)

SKU: 504


    231-B Branchview Dr. N.E. 

    Concord, NC 28025

    Employees of The Genesis Herb Garden are not medical doctors. Information on this website is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions or diseases, and should not be considered substitution for consultation with your physician or licensed medical professional. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

    © Genesis Herb Garden 2024

    Monday - Friday           10am - 6pm

    Saturday                       10am - 4pm

    Sunday                              Closed

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